Saturday, 15 May 2021

Hi friends

 Hi friends,

It's so many years from where we depart from our colleges. then blogging is our favorite hobby as we used to have many blogs . and after somany years i gone through my blogger today which brings lot of memories into my brain which makes smile come onto my face. so i wanna check how many are connected to the blogging still now. so i posted this. hope every one is good. and take care. will meet you all soon as i hope. 

Saturday, 31 March 2012

congrats to all 16 candidates from ece-2 and number sariga teliyadhu bt who selected from ece-1 also andharu kummesaru :) ece rocks njy the every moment of the life and make it as meaning ful and beautiful :)

Monday, 12 September 2011

c prog's

c prog's
c prog's for matrix multiplication,addition,transpose,trace,norm and factorial of a number using recursion and for special numbers like pallindrome,armstrong,strong,perfect numbers and for gcd and lcm calculation